19 мая в Москве состоялся концерт GUF, посвященный 15-летию его самого известного альбома.
Это событие стало значимым для многих поклонников артиста. Компания PuffMi выступила генеральным спонсором этого важного мероприятия, подчеркнув свою поддержку и признание для Гуфа!
Стенд PuffMi с яркой све...
GUF Concert x Puffmi Vape
On May 19th, Moscow witnessed a momentous event as GUF took the stage to celebrate the 15th anniversary of his most famous album. The concert was nothing short of spectacular, bringing together fans from all corners of the city. Among the highlights of the evening was th...
Current Situation of the UK e-cigarette Market
As the second largest e-cigarette market in the world, the United Kingdom has been vigorously promoting vapes in various ways, including the British government’s introduction of substantive support policies, the implementation of the national...
Industry Insight Business by Jason Tian; Ellesmere Zhu
“Puffmi’s founder, Xiao Ling, highlights the importance of compliance and strict adherence to regulations in the German e-cigarette market in an interview with 2FIRSTS at Hall of Vape in Germany.”
On May 7, at The Hall of Vape e-cigare...
Привет, друзья!
Хотим поделиться с вами лучшими моментами с выставки GVE, которая прошла 29-30 апреля в Москве!
Именно вы смогли создать эту незабываемую атмосферу, которая царила на нашем стенде!
Компания PuffMi всегда стремилась расширять границы инноваций и предоставлять продукты для вейпин...
Puffmivape Attaches Great Importance to Russia Market
Russia presents both opportunities and challenges for companies seeking to enter its disposable e-cigarette market. While the country’s large population of over 144 million people offers a vast consumer base, the regulatory environment c...
The Release Party x PuffMi in Technika Bezopasnosti night club was an event to remember.
On the 16th of February, over 900 people gathered in the heart of Moscow to enjoy the amazing performance of rappers, the unique atmosphere and, of course, the Puffmi collaboration.
Do you play Dota 2? Do you know how to go mid, stack spots and go 1v1 in SF? So you've come to the right place!
Every day, millions of players around the world fight as one of over a hundred Dota 2 heroes, and even after a thousand hours there is still a lot to learn. Th...
BACK TO VAPING WITH VAPEXPO PARIS 2022! Vapexpo Paris will be at the Paris Event Center on the 22nd and 23rd of October 2022! As the only international unified event for the vape community, Vapexpo is truly an exciting exhibition to meet, exchange, and get more interesti...
Europe's largest e-cigarette expo is back, bigger and better than ever. From October 07, 2022, until October 09, 2022, at Birmingham - Booth NOV. G70, NEC, UK. Puffmi returns on the road by attending #TheVaperExpoUK — a must-attend event for all UK, European, and interna...
Mesh box tasting event will be held with КУБОК МЦ competition. Do you want to get free vape and watch the thrilling rap battle? Join us for the Puffmi Rap battle challenge in Moscow on Sep 24th.
Last event we held in Russia was stunning! 500+ people attended the event an...
From July 23 to August 1, Puffmi embarked on a nine-day tour of London - #StopSmokingChallenge.
The campaign was across 14 musical festivals, with 50 million exposure from both online and offline, over 10k+ interactions, collaboration with 20 inf...
Warning: Our products are only applicable to adult smokers who have reached the legal purchasing age. It should not be used by minors, pregnant women, patients with diabetes, patients with depression or patients with hypertension. Keep away from children and pets. This product may contain nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical